Our experiences shape us. Every twist and turn along our path leaves an imprint, filters our perception, and impacts how we show up- with ourselves and others.
In a twisted world it’s easy to get turned around, lose sight of our path, or hit a dead end.
The woods of experience are wild and unrelenting. Circumstance keeps us on the move, and if we’re able to slow down enough to catch our breath, we often realize we don’t know where we are or how we got there.
Our experiences shape us, and in a twisted world it’s easy to lose touch with ourselves- that can be scary! Or leave us feeling anxious, depressed, hopeless, confused, over-stressed, isolated, unrecognizable, or upside-down.
This moment is part of your experience. The voice that led you here is yours, and it took courage to follow it. It’s my belief that the hardest part of finding yourself again is looking, and you’re here. You’re looking.
Self-discovery is a reclamation of personal power. It’s a conscious, embodied journey, an intuitive process, and an unconventional act of systemic reform.
Keep looking. You’re worth looking towards.
As a trauma-focused counselor (and a person living on planet earth), I’m no stranger to the darkness, or the nuance of light. My healing journey began long ago under the big beautiful sky of Albuquerque, NM, where I was born and raised. My healing journey is ongoing, and always will be.
Clients who work best with me want to know more…and in some sense, already do.
Our experiences shape us. Usually Sometimes they thrash us around a bit in the process, wear us down, or leave us questioning who we are, how we got here, and why?!
When there’s a void in our quest for answers, the easy answer becomes avoiding our quest- and that can make us feel out of touch!
Clients who work best with me likely have MORE questions now! Perhaps a proclivity for challenging the status quo…an unconventional ideology or two…a sense of humor…and a belief that the truth is out there.
Trust yourself. Your intuition is worth trusting.
You are the witch of your woods. The path of self-discovery is paved in truth. Your truth. It gets dark in places, illuminating in others, and walking it is a choice. You don’t have to go alone!
I’d be honored to meet you in the upside down of your journey and help you find your footing.
I want to believe there’s more to experience.
I’d love to explore what that means for you.

Serving adults and couples, virtually and in-person, in Lakewood, CO